
None, 羅西尼:歌劇《穆罕默德二世》 Gioachino Rossini: Maometto Secondo (2DVD)【Dynamic】。在樂天市場的極光音樂 太古國際有最棒的商品,是您省錢的最佳選擇。

羅西尼:歌劇《穆罕默德二世》 Gioachino Rossini: Maometto Secondo (2DVD)【Dynamic】

商品分類:極光音樂 太古國際,所有商品


Conductor: Claudio Scimone
Director, set & costume designer: Pier Luigi Pizzi
Maometto secondo: Lorenzo Regazzo
Selimo: Federico Lepre
Paolo Erisso: Maxim Mironov
Ann: Carmen Giannattasio
Calbo: Anna Rita Gemmabella
Condulmiero: Nicola Marchesini
Teatro La Fenice, Venezia, 2005

It was customary for Rossini to modify his scores and develop second and third versions for theatres that wanted to stage his operas. The Maometto II here recorded corresponds only in part to the original score (Naples, 1820), which is the version generally performed nowadays; it is, instead, the revision made for Venice’s Teatro La Fenice staged on 26th December 1822 as opening title of the 1823 Carnival season, the same season which, on February 3rd, would also see the debut of Semiramide. For Venice Rossini tried to soften the monolithic character of his Neapolitan score, introducing an opening symphony, making changes - some of them quite substantial - to the score and, especially, giving the plot a happy ending. The title role is sung by the young Italian bass Lorenzo Regazzo, internationally renowned; Claudio Scimone, on the podium, is responsible for the revision of the score.

螢幕比:NTSC 16:9
聲道:PCM 2.0, Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS 5.1

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羅西尼:歌劇《穆罕默德二世》 Gioachino Rossini: Maometto Secondo (2DVD)【Dynamic】

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